2 resultados relacionados con "Richard Poore".
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Artículo de revista
Inequality at birth: Some causes and consequences

Sozialer Status, USA, Jugendlicher, Bildungsniveau, Kind, Mutter, Gesundheit, Bildungsverhalten, Chemical hazards, Health sciences, Contaminated sites, Health outcomes, RICHARD T. ELY LECTURE, Law, Body weight, Population studies, Biology, Infants, Mothers, Body composition, Human populations, Superfund sites, Persons, Environmental studies, Physiology, Chil...

Autores: Janet Currie
Año de publicación: 2011

Artículo de revista
Joint investigations of the Middle Pliocene climate I: PRISM paleoenvironmental reconstructions

CO2, CO 2, global warming, climate change, greenhouse effect, greenhouse effect gases, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, carbon dioxide

Año de publicación: 1994